Download Game Edukasi Anak Gratis Untuk Laptop
The Children's Educational Game is a game with a wide variety of games. The game-the game that teach your child recognize objects or things around us. Among other things, recognize various animals, recognize numbers, recognize letters of the alphabet, recognize shapes, recognize colors, and familiar fruits. In the latest version additional features get to know the means of transportation, a member of the body, professions, musical instruments and objects around.
Now features math, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. For addition, subtraction and multiplication have the option level, where you can choose the level of easy or level more difficult. So what are you waiting for, download now, this game is suitable for children between the ages of 3-6 years.
love your children the game spend time mending just give this game, let your children play while learning it so useful. Download now, free you know..
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BS 5930:2015 presents an update on the requirements for the investigation of sites in order to assess their suitability for construction and to identify the characteristics of a site that affect the design and construction of the project. The Standard emphasises the importance of the evolving ground model and that ground investigation is not necessarily a linear process. BSI rules do not permit additional amendments, and the decision was taken to undertake a full revision not only to include additional requirements relating to the Eurocodes but also to ensure that current best practice was incorporated throughout the document.
Kini dilengkapi fitur matematika, penjumlahan, pengurangan, perkalian dan pembagian. Untuk penjumlahan, pengurangan dan perkalian memiliki pilihan level, dimana anda bisa memilih level yang mudah atau level yang lebih sulit. Jadi tunggu apa lagi, download sekarang, game ini cocok untuk anak antara umur 3-6 tahun.
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