Bokura No Kiseki Raw Full


Feb 16, 2018 - Read Bokura no Kiseki 1 online. Bokura no Kiseki 1 English. You could read the latest and hottest Bokura no Kiseki 1 in MangaHere.

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5 years ago

BOOK CLUB: Bokura no Kiseki

Book club is back, and we're going to start right where we left off!

The new format is going to work like this: There's going to be a top level comment for each volume of the series. Discussion about that particular volume, and all that came before it will take place under its respective top level comment. This will allow people to read and discuss at their own pace. If you want to make a top level comment for a certain topic or something, make sure it is spoiler free. If it's not spoiler free, use the spoiler tags, and mention what chapter/volume the spoiler happens in, like so:

ch.10 - x kills y

Feb 11, 2018 - Quote: Originally Posted by DR_MOOSAVI What's needed: • USB data cable • MediaTek USB VCOM drivers • SP Flash Tool ( Latest version. Sp flash tool failed to open com


ch. 14 - what the hell is wrong with x?

the spoiler tag is done like so: [x kills y](/spoiler)

Alright, now let's talk about the series. I'm more or less copy pasting this from before.

This months Book Club series will be Bokura no Kiseki. I'll copy paste the summary here:

From a young age, Minami Harusumi has had recurring dreams of Veronica, a princess whose kingdom is on the verge of destruction. He believes them to be recollections of his past life, and that he is her reincarnation. Because of this, he is ridiculed by his classmates. One day, when the mockery escalates into bullying, he rediscovers magic—something Veronica had studied and used. Reassured his past life is not merely a fantasy, Minami tries to learn more about his past memories and the reason behind them..

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This series is a little slow to start, but gets really intense after the intro. I don't want to spoil what happens (the reveal is part of what makes it so good), but it's a really nice mix of mystery/suspense, drama/romance, tactics/deception, and fantasy. The characters are interesting and the plot is truly good, you may get sucked in and have to read it all in one go. Give it a shot.

It looks like the group that did chapters 0-3 disbanded so I'll direct you to mangatraders for those. Kgb archiver mac.

Here's a direct link to Bokura no Kiseki on the mangatraders reader.

It's now being scanlated by Deus Ex Scans (nsfw?) and the rest of the chapters can be found at Batoto or anywhere else really.

UPDATE: New chapters have been released since the posting of this thread, Volume 8 is now complete! I added a comment for volume 8 discussion below!

80% Upvoted
If you like stories that keep you thinking and give you hints to discover the answers, this is a great series for you. It is a psychological, complex series with just enough romance to satisfy but not be a prominent overbearing feature. The plethora of characters seems to bother many, but I find that if you take a few minutes to really look at each character they aren't that hard to differentiate. I enjoy having the many characters especially since the minor characters often become important along the way. The art isn't anything special, typical shoujo-esque style that could use a more original touch, but it serves it purpose. I find that though many readers think the characters suffer from too similar designs, they actually all have very different faces. This story keeps you on edge, guessing who is really who and what their motives are. It has an overall dark feel for a josei, but there is comic relief and often side stories to break up the tension. Bokura no Kiseki is among my top 5 favourite comics and highly recommend it!